Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Random Thought --- III

Now the situation is getting alarming day by day as there seems no hope of any resolution of the problem. The paradise seems to have lost for ever for the Pandits of Kashmir, the sole descendents of an age old Kashmir tradition and culture. The people at the helm both at the central and state level governments seem to have forgotten that there is a problem of not less that half a million Kashmir Pandits who’re out of their homes for the last two decades now not of their own but that they were hounded out of the valley and there was none to save the situation neither that time nor afterwards. They aren't any foreign refugees and hence ineligible to any special concessions. They’re Indians and much more patriotic than the best Indian patriots. It was in fact for this caliber only that they were declared a rejected lot in Kashmir and liable for persecution. One more unfortunate problem of this suffering community is that they’ve not been able to throw up any effective public leaders in their ranks that would represent them in the echelons of power to meet their genuine demands forcefully and whosoever there’re they’re too timid to fight their battle. KPs have been academically very high and have always proved very good administrators, bureaucrats, policy makers and high ranking officials but they’ve been lacking drastically the essential leadership qualities both political and social, probably they prefer firmer grounds than the public figures hold and are much less risk taking than a public leader should be.
Whatever the circumstances are the Pandits of Kashmir are the worst sufferers in the whole Kashmir bargain. They’ve lost their social and cultural identity, their roots and above all their mother tongue. Whatever protests they make on occasions to give vent to their feelings are blown away by the wind of the power of the unsuspected administrative machinery. It’s becoming very difficult day after day for them to reconcile with the changed circumstances with no hope of any kind in sight for all times to come. Day in and day out high level meetings are conducted and policies framed for the improvement of the Kashmir situation but nowhere does the question of the settlement of KPs figure. The authorities have probably taken it for granted that they’re properly settled wherever they’re so there’s no need of confusing any issues with their settlement in Kashmir or anywhere else....(concluded)


  1. Namaskar,

    I am from Village Malmoh which near Magam.
    I know we are a Leaderless community but the need of the hour is to reach to each nook and corner of the world and present them our case. I think that it is the duty of each one of the Kashmiri Pandit to educate as many people as possible on the plight of Kashmiri Pandits.They can do so in lunch hour in office , neighborhood or where ever they are . Yes we all want to go back to Kashmir but on our own terms and with dignity . I want to go to Kashmir where i will not fear anyone and no one is going to throw my children or grand children out again ....Yes i want to Go i want to go to PANUN KASHMIR ... the only solution for the India to survive in Kashmir. Jai Panun India Panun Kashmir

    --- Rohit

  2. Namaskar.. while all this is going on.. i feel this is pointless.. none of KP children speak kashmiri .. they have grown and made their lives in delhi/bombay outside country.. who will come back .. and are they still kashmiri..mahara will the demise of your generation the KP identity will be 90% lost .. and i see nothing changing it.
    good career and jobs has its own downside.. all your children have married panjabi's/marathis and others .. who is a KP now.. i dont know
